In a "celebration" of past Daring Baker and Daring Cook challenges, Lisa challenged all of us to search through the Daring Kitchen archives and pick any one we'd like! The REAL challenge was picking which delicious recipe(s) to try! I've browsed past challenges and with a little help from Eeine Meeine Miney Moe I choosed one savory and one sweet challenge from Daring Baker list - basic quick bread (February 2012) and swiss swirl ice cream cake (July 2010). Quick bread was so delicious and simple to make. I modified recipe for swiss swirl ice cream cake - rolls are filled with mascarpone, white chocolate and whipped cream, instead of ice cream I made frozen yogurt and the middle is red berries sauce - it's perfect dessert for hot summer days.
- 250 g all purpose flour
- 5 g baking soda
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 240 ml butermilk
- 1 large egg
- 60 ml olive oil
- 2 teaspoons finely chopped rosemary
- 1 teaspoon finely chopped garlic
- grated parmesan
- pumpkin seeds
Preheat oven to moderate 180°C. Line 23 x 13 cm with parchment paper. In a large bowl whisk flour, baking soda and salt to combine. Make a well in the center and set aside. Lightly whisk buttermilk, egg and oil to combine. Pour into well and stir until just mixed into a batter. The batter will be lumpy. Add chopped rosemary, garlic and grated parmesan and stir. Pour bater into prepared pan. Top with pumpkin seeds and grated cheese. Bake for 40 minutes or until a cake tester comes out clean. Cool in pan on wire rack for 10 minutes, then remove from pan and cool completely before slicing.
Swiss roll frozen yogurt cake
Swiss rolls
- 6 medium sized eggs
- 45 g all purpose flour
- 40 g cocoa powder
- 30 ml boiling water
- 250 g mascarpone
- 100 g melted white chocolate
- 200 g whipping cream
In a large bowl, add the cream and beat till very thick. Add mascarpone and melted chocolate and mix until combined. Divide the mixture between the completly cooled cakes. Open the rolls and spread the mascarpone mixture, making sure it does not go right to the edges. Roll the cakes up again (without the towel), chill in the fridge till needed, seam side down.
Frozen yogurt
- 500 g greek yogurt
- 120 g confectioners sugar
- 200 ml whipping cream
Red berries sauce
- 500 g red berries mix
- 3 - 5 tablespoons sugar
Mix fruit with sugar in a medium pan. Simmer for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly, until the desired consistency is reached. The sauce will thicken further as it cools. Puree the sauce in a blender or with a handheld immersion blender and strain it through a fine sieve.
Cut the swiss rolls into 20 equal slices, approximately 2 cm each. Cover the bottom and sides of the bowl in which you are going to set the dessert with plastic wrap. Arrange two slices at the bottom of the pan, with their seam sides facing each other. Arrange the swiss roll slices up the bowl, with the seam sides facing away from the bottom, to cover the sides of the bowl. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and freeze till the slices are firm (at least 30 minutes). Take the bowl out of the freezer, remove the plastic wrap and add half of the frozen yogurt mixture. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and freeze till firm (at least 1 hour). Add the red berries sauce over the frozen yogurt (I added sauce that wasn't completely cooled, because I didn't want it to be frozen completely when I cut the cake), cover and freeze for 30 minutes. Add the rest of the frozen yogur mixture. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze for at least 4 hours till completely set. Remove the plastic wrap and place the serving plate on top of the bowl. Turn it upside down and remove the bowl and plastic lining.

Brzi kruh s maslinovim uljem, ružmarinom i češnjakom
- 250 g glatkog brašna
- 5 g sode bikarbone
- 1 žličica soli
- 240 ml mlaćenice (zamjena za mlaćenicu je 240 ml mlijeka sa 1 žlicom limunovog soka - pustite da odstoji 5 minuta prije upotrebe)
- 1 veliko jaje
- 60 ml maslinovog ulja
- 2 žličice nasjeckanog ružmarina
- 1 žličica nasjeckanog češnjaka
- svježe naribani parmezan
- sjemenke bundeve
U velikoj zdjeli pomiješajte brašno, sodu bikarbonu i sol. Napravite udubinu u sredini u koju stavite mlaćenicu, jaje i ulje. Miješajte pjenjačom dok se sastojci ne povežu. Dodajte ružmarin, češnjak i ribani parmezan. Smjesu izlijte u duguljasti kalup (23 x 13 cm) obložen papirom za pečenje. Po vrhu pospite sjemenke bundeve i ribani parmezan. Pecite 40 minuta u pećnici zagrijanoj na 180°C (provjerite čačkalicom da li je pečeno). Pustite da odstoji par minuta u kalupu, a zatim izvadite kruh i ohladite ga na rešetki.
Šarlota od rolade s frozen yogurtom i bobičastim voćem
- 6 jaja
- 45 grama glatkog brašna
- 40 g kakaa
- 30 ml kipuće vode
- 250 g mascarponea
- 100 g otopljene bijele čokolade
- 200 ml slatkog vrhnja
Za nadjev izmiksajte slatko vrhnje u čvrsti šlag. Dodajte mascarpone i otopljenu bijelu čokoladu i kratko izmiksajte da se sastojci povežu. Smjesu podijelite na dva dijela. Odmotajte ohlađeni biskvit i premažite ga kremom (premažite samo 2/3 biskvita, jer će se nadjev pomicati prema naprijed). Postupak ponovite i za drugi biskvit. Rolade stavite u frižider.
Frozen yogurt
- 500 g grčkog jogurta
- 120 g šećera u prahu
- 200 ml slatkog vrhnja
Umak od bobičastog voća
- 500 g bobičastog voća
- 3-5 žlica šećera
Izvadite rolade iz frižidera pa ih narežite na 20 kriški, otprilike 2 cm debljine. Zdjelu obložite prijanjajućom folijom pa na dno stavite dvije kriške. Ostatak kriški poslažite tako da obložite stjenke zdjele. Pokrijte prijanjajućom folijom i stavite u zamrzivač na otprilike 30 minuta. Izvadite zdjelu iz zamrzivača, odstranite foliju pa ulijte pola smjese za frozen yogurt. Pokrijte prijanjajućom folijom pa stavite u zamrzivač na sat vremena. Izvadite zdjelu iz zamrzivača, odstranite foliju pa ulijte voćni umak. Pokrijte prijanjajućom folijom pa stavite u zamrzivač na 30 minuta. Izvadite zdjelu iz zamrzivača, odstranite foliju pa ulijte ostatak smjese za frozen yogurt. Pokrijte prijanjajućom folijom pa stavite u zamrzivač na minimalno 4 sata. Prije posluživanja odstranite prijanjajuću foliju poklopite tanjurom za serviranje. Okrenite, maknite zdjelu i prijanjajuću foliju pa narežite na kriške.
Sugestoês diferentes mas ambas lindas e com toda a certeza uma delicia
OdgovoriIzbrišiBom fim de semana
Ovaj kruh...mmmmm... nažalost, na moru nemam pećnicu, i baš mi fali! Čeznem i za domaćim kolačom! Probam kad se vratim u Zg!
OdgovoriIzbrišiKruh je super jer se mogu staviti začini prema guštu, a i brzo je gotov
IzbrišiGreat challenge choices, you've been very productiv! The swiss swirl ice cream cake just looks delicious, any slices left? ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiBoth recipes are fantastic! I love the bread slightly more..can't help..a Carbs-lover.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThe bread looks delicious and very hearty - but the ice-cream swirl cake steals the show - it looks stunning! A beautiful challenge entry.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you
IzbrišiBoth of your challenge items look so delicious! I just love the swirl cake.
OdgovoriIzbrišilook beautiful Tamara and yumm!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiMy favourite is the swiss roll cake too!!! It looks so amazingly good :) Especially with the lush raspberry syrup!! YUM!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you
IzbrišiYour quick bread looks lovely but that Swiss swirl ice cream cake is a stunner! What a perfect summer dessert.
OdgovoriIzbrišiOba recepta mi se čini savršenim,posebno ovaj brzi kruh,jako mi zamamno djeluje i miriše..
OdgovoriIzbrišiVolim kad mi kuhinja miriši na ružmarin i češnjak, zato sam ih i stavila u kruh
Izbrišiodlično si izabrala, ovaj umak od bobičastog voća je jako primamljiv!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiDrago mi je da sam uspjela u namjeri da dio umaka ostane tekuć, jer i inače volim frozen jogurt jesti s umakom od voća
Izbrišimoj favorit je ovaj kruh, ipak...nemam zamjerke ni kolaču ali, okanila sam se kolača za sada :)
OdgovoriIzbrišipredivan post
Recept je odličan i jednostavan tako da ću ga sigurno još koji put napraviti
Izbrišiwow! both the quickbread and dessert look amazing! i'll have to put the jellyroll dessert on my to bake list! looks delicious!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you
IzbrišiYour Swiss Roll Frozen Yoghurt Cake looks really delicious. Great job doing TWO recipes from the past :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiA dish full of fresh flavor. Yum!
OdgovoriIzbrišiKako je lijepo oboje. Kolac se nisam mogla nagledati :)
IzbrišiSvasta ti stignes, svaka ti cast! Obje kreacije izgledaju predivno, ali me je taj brzi kruh vise privukao - probam uskoro!
OdgovoriIzbrišiS šarlotom ima više prtljanja, a kruh je zaista brzo gotov
IzbrišiKrasan odabir. Torta super izgleda!
OdgovoriIzbrišiKolačić je dobar i jako atraktivan, ali ipak biram kruh koji me osvojio na prvi pogled, a sigurno bi na prvi zalogaj. Odlično si oboje napravila i jako lijepo izgleda !
OdgovoriIzbrišiI like the combination of flavours you added to the quick bread and the Swiss Swirl ice cream cake looks amazing! It makes a great dessert for summer.
I kruh i šarlota izgledaju fino, ali da biram odabrala bih šarlotu jer je baš ljetni desert zbog frozen jogurta :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiŠarlota je savršeno ljetno osvježenje
IzbrišiDelicious flavor combination for the swiss roll cake I think I'm going to copy ;). So convenient that you used frozen mousse that doesn't need an ice cream machine. Beautiful presentation for both of your cakes too!
OdgovoriIzbrišiYour swiss roll cake is just beautiful! I am also slightly in awe of your dual language blog! Knowing how long it takes me to get a post up in one language, it must be a dedicated effort to do it in two languages :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiMy blog is not dual language, only Daring Bakers posts are, and it takes a lot of time
IzbrišiWow! Such a beautiful cake! I love how you have styled the bread as well.. Great job :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiOva šarlota je vrh! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHow fun that you made two great challenges this moth. They both look scrumptious.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHello Tamara,
OdgovoriIzbrišiBoth the quick bread and the yoghurt cake are fantastic, tehm really seem delicious !
Lovely pictures !
Thank you
IzbrišiThey look amazing! I especially love the Swiss Roll cake - yum!
OdgovoriIzbrišiŠarlota izgleda neodoljivo.